UMKC Clinical Neuropsychology Lab
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Undergraduate Research (Psych 490/491)
When you participate in Supervised Research (PSYCH 490 and PSYCH 491), everything you learned in your psychology research classes comes alive when you conduct your own research!
Students in Psychology 490/491 work independently under the supervision of a research mentor and participate as research assistants on research projects. Details of the research experience vary from team to team and project to project. Expectations are negotiated individually between the students and their mentor. These courses can be taken for 1-3 credit hours during the 16-week semester. The number of credits is negotiated with the mentor prior to enrollment in the course. Generally, students are expected to work 3 hours per week (during a 16-week semester) for each credit in which they are enrolled.
PSYCH 490 students work with UMKC Psychology faculty as their mentors in one of their research laboratories on campus or in a field-based project they are conducting.
PSYCH 491 students work on research projects at one of our community partner sites such as Children’s Mercy Hospital or KU Medical Center. They are directly supervised by Ph.D- or M.D.-level researchers at those locations.
How to Apply
Please download and complete the Psychology 490 & 491 Application. Complete the application electronically and email it to